Enhancement of CNCAN capabilities in the field of regulations for radioactive waste, spent nuclear fuel  management, and   decommissioning activities


  • Activity A7.1: Development of new regulation on predisposal of radioactive waste


Deliverables for A7.1

-         Regulation on the predisposal of radioactive waste which includes safety criteria, safety assessment criteria, licensing procedure

-         Acquisition of one laptop


  • Activity A7.2: Development of methodology for regulatory review of the safety assessment report as well as other technical documents in the licensing process and inspections of predisposal activities.


Deliverables for A7.2:

-         Methodology for regulatory review of the safety assessment of predisposal of radioactive waste

-         Acquisition of one laptop


  • Activity A7.3: Revision of existing regulation on the disposal of radioactive waste the based on IAEA recommendations as well as implementing reference levels developed into WENRA WGWD.


Deliverables for A7.3:

-        Regulation on the disposal of radioactive waste which includes safety criteria, safety assessment criteria, licensing procedure

-        Acquisition of one laptop


Activity A7.4: Development of a standard review plan that describes the detailed criteria and regulatory review procedure as well as development of the inspection check list for each phase (step) in the lifetime of the radioactive waste disposal facilities

Deliverables for A7.4:

-      Methodology for Regulatory Review of Disposal Licence Applications that represent the standard review plan that describes the detailed criteria and regulatory review procedure


  • Activity A7.5: Participation in IAEA Technical Meetings


Deliverables for A7.5:

-        Working reports


Activity A7.6: Revision of the existing regulation on the safety requirements for decommissioning of nuclear and major radiological facilities based on IAEA recommendation as well as implementing reference levels developed into WENRA WGRW.


Deliverables for A7.6:

-         Regulation on safety requirements for decommissioning of nuclear and major radiological facilities

-         Acquisition of one laptop


Activity A7.7: Development of the methodology for regulatory review of the decommissioning plan and decommissioning licence application.


Deliverables for A7.7:

-        Methodology for regulatory review of the decommissioning plan for nuclear and main radiological facilities


  • Activity A7.8: National workshop on NORM


Deliverables for A7.8:

-        Report (minute) of the workshop containing identified gaps into regulations, actors and their responsibilities.


Activity A7.9: Development of the safety requirements and licensing procedure of NORM.

Deliverables for A7.9:

-        Regulation on the safety criteria on NORM


  • Activity A7.10: Development of regulatory review methodology for safety assessment report as well as an inspection check list for NORM

         Deliverables for A7.10:

-      Methodology on the regulatory review of safety documents NORM.