On April 25 2024, CNCAN marked the successful completion of the project "Enhancement of Nuclear Safety and Security in Romania - Improvement of Disaster Resilience and Preparedness for Radiological and Nuclear events" financed by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021, Home Affairs Programme. Together with the national partners, the General Inspectorate of the Romanian Gendarmerie (IGJR), the General Inspectorate of the Romanian Border Police (IGPF), the General Inspectorate of the Romanian Police (IGPR), the General Inspectorate of Romanian Aviation (IGAv), the donor partner of the project, the Norwegian Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (DSA), as well as the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) from Vienna, the main performance indicators resulting from the project were reiterated:
✔️ 40 new and updated regulations and regulatory procedures developed or issued to improve the field of nuclear and radiological safety, oversight of nuclear and radiological installations, physical protection, non-proliferation, border control and prevention of illicit trafficking of nuclear and other radioactive materials;
✔️ 80 - Number of regulatory and nuclear industry personnel with nuclear and radiological safety oversight responsibilities who have been formally trained;
✔️ 30 - Number of participants in experience exchange events, including training courses, workshops, technical meetings, consultancy meetings and scientific visits;
✔️ 180 - Number of personnel from national authorities and relevant industry who have been formally trained on all important aspects of physical protection, non-proliferation, border control and prevention of illicit trafficking of nuclear and other radioactive materials;
✔️ 25 - Number of participants in experience exchange events, including training courses, workshops, technical meetings, consultancy meetings and scientific visits;
✔️ 150 - Number of staff from national authorities and relevant organizations who have been formally trained on all important aspects of emergency preparedness and response;
✔️ The Emergency, Information and Training center within CNCAN endowed and operational