Press release

Bucharest, Romania, August 26 - 30, 2019

Representatives of the Romanian National Commission for Nuclear Activities Control (CNCAN) met with representatives of Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration Office of Global Material Security/ International Nuclear Security (GMS/INS) to conduct a pilot workshop of the INS Secure Transportation Engagement Methodology (STEM) process..

The interactive workshop is designed to assist GMS/INS and the partner nation competent authority in evaluating the status of a nuclear material secure transportation system and identifying gaps and opportunities for improvement. GMS/INS requested that CNCAN participate in the introduction of the pilot STEM workshop because Romania is a mature partner having implemented all phases of the nuclear fuel cycle.

Romanian stakeholders in nuclear material transportation security included the National Intelligence Service, National Police (Gendarmerie), Civil Aviation Authority, Maritime Authority, Uranium Ore Production Facility, Nuclear Fuel Fabrication Plant, Cernovoda Nuclear Power Plant, Nuclear Research Center, Pitesti Nuclear Research Reactor, and National Nuclear Research Center.